 Systems Integration

As an experienced Systems Integrator, PI delivers both hardware and software integration. Our experience includes both proprietary and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) manufactured systems, along with systems built by PI to customer specifications.

Here is just a sample of our Systems Integration clients. (For a complete list of PI clients, please see Clients.)

    ACE*COMM, Gaithersburg, Maryland

    Automation Research Systems, Alexandria, Virginia

    Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, DC

    Consejo, Washington, DC

    Develpment Group International, Washington, DC

    Downey Chandler, Inc., Washington, DC

    Embassy of South Africa, Washington, DC

    First Security Insurance, Salt Lake City, Utah

    Hickok, Warner & Fox, Washington, DC

    Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Washington, DC

    Radio Research Consortium, Silver Spring, Maryland

    SBS of Metro Washington, Potomac, Maryland

    SFRE, Alexandria, Virginia

    The America Works Partnership, Washington, DC

    U.S. Department of Agriculture

    U.S. Postal Service

    Washington Gas Company, Washington, DC

    4900 North, Chicago, Illinois

PI has provided custom built servers and workstations, performed  hardware / software / systems integration, system configuration, network and system installation as a subcontractor on the following multi-year Federal contracts, delivering hundreds of systems to military bases throughout the world.

    The White House, Executive Office of the President

    U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

    U.S. Air Force, contract number F11624-95-D-0005

    U.S. Army, contract numbers


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